
Register to Join the Guild

Register to Join the Guild

added on April 29, 2016 Guild members and must elect to join the Guild. The Father Michael J. McGivney Guild Newsletter is published bimonthly except July- August, and is sent free to Guild members.
K of C Field Agents

K of C Field Agents

added on March 22, 2016 Field Agent for Council 9549
Operation LAMB

Operation LAMB

added on June 12, 2017 Known as "The Tootsie Roll Drive"  - The LAMB Foundation of NC is a public 501(c)3 not-for-profit charity dedicated solely to assisting people who have intellectual disabilities within the state of North Carolina. This program exist because of the work of our local Knights
Culture of Life

Culture of Life

added on May 19, 2017 It is essential that this person or persons have a passion for protection of life from conception to death.
This person should not be afraid to call or email their state representatives to voice their opinion as to the Right to Life or anything that would interfere with that right.